According to statistics from the U.S. Labor Department, women are recovering far faster than men in the wake of the country’s recession. While the national unemployment rate for men sits around 7.7%, females’ unemployment rate is 6.8%. And despite the fact that about 2.1 million jobs lost by men have yet to be regained, women have already reclaimed all jobs lost during the recession.

Women Recovering from Recession Better than Men

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Many jobs created since the recession are in industries more typically filled by women—retail, education, hospitality, and tourism. But female leadership and employment is growing in other fields, as companies reassess their strategies moving forward.

For example, the defense industry is taking a turn toward female leadership, with newly appointed CEOs Marillyn Hewson of Lockheed Martin and Phebe N. Novakovic of General Dynamics.

“Perhaps, finally, there’s a recognition that the all-men style may not necessarily be the best or only way to lead,” said Paul Unger in a Washington Post article. “In the difficult environment that we’re in now, perhaps there’s been a recognition that a more inclusive style of leadership is the right one for the time.”

Be sure to check out our full profiles on Phebe N. Novakovic and Marillyn Hewson to find out more about how women are rising to the top.