Here’s a choice you probably didn’t think you’d get to make today: $25 cash or $50-worth of tuna?

It’s a real question posed by Starkist, the canned tuna company, after a class-action lawsuit was filed against them for underfilling their five-ounce cans–which doesn’t seem like missing out on a lot, but over millions of cans, it adds up. Cans only contain an average of 2.81 to 3.23 ounces of tuna, the lawsuit argues.

According to The New York Times, the case’s plaintiff, Patrick Hendricks, had actual independent testing done on Starkist’s cans of tuna. The results of his testing determined that “they had as much as 17.3 percent less tuna than the federally mandated minimum.” Now, the company has been ordered to pay upwards of $8 million in cash and $4 million in food vouchers as part of the case’s settlement in northern California.

So, if you’re a United States resident who has purchased a can of chunk light tuna in water, chunk light tuna in oil, solid white in water, or solid white in oil between February 19, 2009 and October 31, 2014, you are eligible to file a claim against the tuna tyrant. The case and company ask that consumers show proof of purchase via receipt when they make a claim, so if you are only “pretty sure” that you bought five-ounce cans of tuna over that period of time, your claim won’t be considered.

Starkist denies any wrongdoing on its end but agreed to settle with Mr. Hendricks via the cash and food vouchers deal.

If you’re interested in getting in on either $25 cash or $50 in tuna, visit the lawsuit’s website. The deadline to file claims falls on November 20th of this year, and the final approval hearing is set for December 17th and 2 P.M.