The Size Of A Smile Can Predict Marketing Success

The Size Of A Smile Can Predict Marketing Success

Part the complexity of marketing comes from the fact that multiple small factors can dramatically influence consumer behavior. In fact, a recent study from the University of Kansas shows that something as seemingly irrelevant as the size of someone’s smile can...
Helping Consumers Invest with “Nutritional Labels”

Helping Consumers Invest with “Nutritional Labels”

Investing, whether in stocks or retirement funds, is a complex process, in which the vast majority of consumers are significantly undereducated in the skills needed to invest properly. Investors often pay too much and don’t get enough out of the process, which is why...
“Successful Psychopath” Bosses Can Harm Entire Companies

“Successful Psychopath” Bosses Can Harm Entire Companies

A new study has found that bosses with numerous “dark traits,” those linked to psychopathy and narcissism, are really bad for their employees. “Those high in psychopathy and narcissism have a strong desire for power and often lack empathy,” said Abigail Phillips, lead...
Working At Home Requires Some Thought

Working At Home Requires Some Thought

Working at home seems great to anyone who hasn’t tried it, but it can be a double-edged sword. It’s easy to distracted by things like pets, family, or the TV. Worse, it’s easy to blur the line between home and work space too much, resulting in a home space that’s...