Vox Media’s content brands cover all markets and niches: technology, sports, fashion, real estate, entertainment, food, news, and media. Their progressive thinking has created sustained growth and attracted serious investors like Anton Levy, Managing Director of General Atlantic, who serves as one of Vox Media’s board observers.

Until recently Vox Media has been satisfied with the results generated by Chorus, their proprietary publishing platform. But online publishing is evolving. The company has determined that publishing partnerships are the future and their new hire, Choire Sicha, will lead the way.

Vox Media hired Sicha to be their director of digital platforms. Gawker.com provided Sicha with a superb education. While there he mastered the site’s voice. After a few years, he left Gawker and launched The Awl out of his apartment with two partners. He is putting aside his editorial role at The Awl and plans to devote his full attention to his new assignment.

Vox Media believes he’s the right person to grow Vox Media’s digital presence: “We need someone dedicated full-time to thinking about how we work with our partners and to finding ways to build stronger relationships with them,” said Melissa Bell, Vox Media’s vice president for growth and co-founder of Vox.com in the Wall Street Journal.

Until recently owning your content meant you distributed it through a channel you owned. It allowed you to target specific audiences and generate steady advertising revenue. This rule still applies, but the publishing savants at Vox Media have tracked the growth of Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram, and they believe it’s time to change their strategy.

The company plans to develop more channels for their content stream. An investment of $200 million from NBCUniversal provides the resources for Vox Media to create unique content for podcasts and television. General Atlantic provided a $46.8 million investment in 2014.

The investors must have been impressed by Vox Media’s demographics. In January, they had 63.3 million unique visitors between the ages of 18 and 34. That great news for everyone involved in this enterprise. You could say that they’re finally feeling content about their content.

Jim Bankoff, CEO of Vox Media, seems to agree that future developments look promising. “We are extraordinarily excited to collaborate in many areas including video programming, brand advertising, cross-promotion, and platform technology to grow existing properties and launch new franchises.”