Red Ventures is distinguished from other marketing companies because it employs a powerful user behavior technology to determine customer preferences. It’s a smart system leveraging big data to more accurately target and deliver sales prospects.

The financial community has been following the Red Ventures’s growth over the last few years and has been impressed with its innovation. Anton Levy, Managing Director at General Atlantic, observed, “The company is changing the marketing and sales landscape for its client businesses.”

Big data is a significant in Red Ventures’s emergence as a leader in this highly competitive industry. By identifying big data and recognizing that, when accessed and sourced correctly and leveraged with the right tools (proprietary tools and knowledge developed by Red Ventures), companies can use big data to increase customer development and retention. Red Ventures has also developed the ability to fuse big data and design, creating great advertising and marketing campaigns that produce results for their clients.

A reputation for an innovative approach to marketing and increasing sales has attracted additional interest from the financial world. Red Ventures co-founder Ric Elia says that annual sales are growing at about 20 percent per year.

That attitude and sustained growth in their home services division—estimated to reach 40 percent this year—as well as planned expansions this year into Brazil and Western Europe have attracted earned significant attention from technology-focused private equity firm Silver Lake. Silver Lake is offering an investment of $250 million for a minority stake.

“It’s the greatest company you’ve never heard of,” said Greg Mondre, Silver Lake’s managing partner.

Red Ventures has developed innovative marketing strategies and negotiated creative deals with corporate clients. Their strategy is attracting interest from investors and corporate clients looking for new methods of building sustainable profits and a loyal customer base. Red Ventures is a technology-enabled platform for growing sales and marketing businesses. It provides service expertise for the Home Services, Power, Financial Services, Insurance, and Software industries.

The business cycle begins when a prospect discovers a produce or service sold by Red Ventures. Prospects find their way to these products and services through a variety of channels—natural search, paid search, online media, email, or in-person contact. Red Ventures nurtures prospects into possible customers and uses specialized call-routing technology and sales scripts to close sales.

Once the sale is closed and their strategic partner completes the process of billing, shipping, and installing. Red Ventures heads back to the beginning to find more qualified prospects.