Technology Innovations

Technology Innovations IMG: via Shutterstock

In the past year, we have seen some startling technology beginning to revolutionize how we watch television, socialize with our friends and how we streamline our workplace and business responsibilities.

What are the top innovations in 2014 and what should you be on the look out for? Here is a list of our big five you should be aware of:

3-D Printer. The Harvard Business Review released an article back in 2013 stating that 3-D printing will “change the world.” The idea that you are able to construct an object on the computer and have it print out using a plastic resin into a 3-D model is certainly futuristic, reminiscent of the Star Trek’s replicator technology.

This new technology will allow goods to be more customizable, and creativity will come to the fore. This can radically change how businesses run production.

Docusign. Docusign accounts for two-thirds of the e-signature market. Founded in 2003, its current CEO Keith Krach looks to take the industry by storm. By allowing individuals or companies to e-sign documents in an easy app, Docusign has revolutionized the way business transactions are completed.

Mobile apps are challenging traditional enterprise and business solutions, and the increasingly intuitive and low-cost applications are trending nicely. Docusign can be used to sign a multi-million dollar contract, a permission slip for a child’s field trip, or even the close of a home.

Google Glass. Wearable technology, what could be more innovative? Google Glass has a tiny screen projection that hovers in front of your face, voice commands and instant response to your most critical desires. Want to know the weather in Spain? Have it record a video? It’s just a quick voice command away. Google Glass could very well be the ‘next big thing’ and is a piece of powerful, yet elegant consumer technology that anyone can use.

Google Glass

IMG: via Google Glass

The Fine Brothers used it in their ‘Elders React To Technology’ video to much success and enjoyment of the ‘elders’ who took to it with ease. The prediction for the business industry is Google Glass could be aimed in niche markets such as healthcare and sports.

While many are familiar with ‘the cloud’, the idea of online storage options such as Dropbox and Google Drive have changed how businesses operate. Soonr allows people to store all documents in a ‘paperless’ environment and send, receive and save online; it’s become a staple in many companies in the past year.

Soonr is a new competitor, looking to offer a new innovation to ‘the cloud’ with the main focus being on group work. You are able to create projects and assign members to tasks, and configure alerts when a file or document has been uploaded or changed. Collaboration is key, and Soonr looks to take stake in the online business popularity.

Touch ID. With the release of the iPhone 5S, Apple has made fingerprint security a reality. Touch ID uses a high-resolution camera to scan your fingerprint and allows for ultra-security at your convenience for your mobile device.

At the moment, the technology is limited, with its current uses being to lock your iPhone and download apps. However, expect the technology to begin to integrate with home security system, and password protected software.