Patricia A. Woertz

Fortune Live Media via Flickr / Photographer: Stuart Isett

Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) is the world’s largest producer of BioEnergy. It is also the number biggest processor of the world’s number one crop: corn. According to Seeking Alpha, the company’s Q2 revenue for 2013 was $22.5 billion. In other words, it’s a big company, and it’s looking for a new home for its headquarters.

Currently, ADM is headquartered in Decatur, Illinois. But the company needs better access to international travel, which its current location isn’t exactly known for.

“Our company is growing and becoming more global and more customer-centric,” said Patricia A. Woertz, ADM Chairman and CEO. “To continue to succeed, we need a global center in a location that allows us to travel and work efficiently with customers and employees throughout the world.”

ADM’s North American headquarters will remain in Decateur, Ill., while the new location will be the company’s global headquarters. On the list for potential locations are Minneapolis, Atlanta, Chicago, and Dallas.

With billions in annual revenue, the city chosen for the new headquarters will be graced with an economic boost for years to come. ADM is already in talks with several of the potential locations, and a move is expected sometime in 2014.

To learn more about ADM and its Chairman and CEO Patricia A. Woertz, check out our complete profile here.