Gracia C. Martore was promoted to Chief Executive Office of the Gannett Co. in 2011. A media conglomerate, the Gannett Company, Inc. is the largest U.S. newspaper publisher measured by total daily circulation. Martore’s is one of just 17 women with a CEO title in the Fortune 500.

Gracia C. Martore speaking at the Fortune’s Most Powerful Women 2013 Conference.
IMG: Fortune Most Powerful Women via Flickr
Previously working for 12 years in the banking industry, Martore first joined the company in 1985 as Assistant Treasurer, until 1993 when she became Vice President in the Treasury group and inherited investor relation duties in 1995. From then on she made her way up the corporate ladder: Treasurer and Vice President of Investor Relations in 1998; Senior Vice President of Finance in 2001; Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer in 2003, Executive Vice President and CFO in 2005. Finally in October 2011, she was appointed President and Chief Executive Officer, replacing Craig Dubow, who retired due to health problems.
Martore is also the perfect example of a successful businesswoman and has been recognized for her achievements. Fortune Magazine named her as one of the 50 Most Powerful Women in Business. In 2012, Forbes named her to its 100 Most Powerful Women list. In 2006, Virginia Business named her CFO of the Year.
When asked for advice for women aiming to reach the CEO title, Martore said, “…you have to be willing to accept new challenges and opportunities outside your comfort zone –because that allows you to grow and expand. It’s also important to keep your eye on the larger picture.”
Martore also serves on the Board of Directors of FM Global and MeadWestvaco Corporation. Forbes estimates her total compensation to be over $8 million. She is a graduate from Wellesley College with a double major in history and political science. She has two children and is married to Joe Martore, CEO of Calibre, a management consulting and technology services company.