David Shing

“The web is about iteration. Mobile is about surprise and delight. When you do anything with mobile, simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” ~David Shing

David Shing

IMG: Gulltaggen via Flickr

Witty and candid, AOL Digital Prophet, David Shing or Shingy, has spent most of his adult life working in the digital world helping companies identify new opportunities. From brand perception to external profiles, Shingy shares his vision of marketing in the future.

He’s has made several appearances on television and frequently appears at conferences including the Digital Ireland Forum and Dublin’s Web Summit.

He recently appeared on MSNBC speaking about the future of technology and wearable computers.

“Today’s wearables are kind of refined to — if I wear my wearables today, I’ll look like a tribal leader. No kidding, man. … [W]e will have biometrics materials inside our clothes. We’ll have smart devices that talk back to us and they’ll have built-in intelligence.”

On social media, he says it’s easy to get distracted with too many messages. He’s a firm believer in curated content.

“It is really hard to cut through that noise, so I do believe in defriending and unfollowing because I just want to follow the tastemakers. People who are giving me extra value because… there is absolutely a finite amount of time in your day.”

Shingy’s previous roles at AOL also include VP of Media and Marketing and the Marketing Director for AOL Europe. He was also the VP of Product Strategy at ClickThings Inc.

David Shing attended Billy Blue College of Graphic Design based in Australia.