Finding a positive work-life balance is the ultimate goal for anyone employed full-time. Because employers know that a work-life balance is sought after, many will boast that they can provide it, making it difficult to tell if this kind of promise is disingenuous upon being hired. However, even if the promotion of a strong work-life balance isn’t ingrained in your company’s culture, there are still other ways to make sure you have it.
Be straightforward about your requirement for a work-life balance from the beginning, even as early as during your interview. When meeting a potential employer, make it clear that you want balance from the get go. If a company takes you out of the running for a job because you say your personal life comes above your work that is not the company you want to work for anyways.
Choose a workplace with a culture that matches your needs. Research the company, read reviews and talk to people who work there. Pay attention to the non-verbal cues rather than just the words your future manager is saying.
Set expectations with your manager right away. When you have a new boss, sit down with them and ask what their expectations of you are and then relay yours. Do not ask permission for everything. You are entitled to not have to think about work while not working.
Be willing to leave your job. No matter how many questions you asked during the interview, sometimes you land yourself in a job that isn’t the right fit. Your life should mean more to you than any job ever could. Having work-life balance depends on the lengths you’re willing to go to prioritize it. Don’t give your employer power to dictate how you live. You get paid to do your job, not to relinquish your soul.