target-logoTarget is no stranger to the world of high-end/lower-end-meshed goods; they’ve been teaming up with big-named designers for years. But now the retail giant is looking to move beyond clothes and into natural and organic products. Its goal? To be a real competitor to places like Whole Foods.

Target’s new “Made to Matter” collection features 17 brands selling health and wellness products that will be sold at all 1,754 locations. Method (the home cleaning products company that partnered with Target in 2003), Chobani, Burt’s Bees, Annie’s and Kashi are just five of the heavily popular brands that are part of the Made to Matter campaign.

About 97% of Target shoppers already purchase natural, organic and sustainable products at the store, and Target’s rate of sale for these products is between 15% and 20%, whereas the average for retail chains is steady at 10%. Understanding the importance of conscience capitalism, Target sees this as doing its part to enable social good—and make money at the same time.kashi-logo

Recently leaders from all 17 brands got together for a Made to Matter retreat to discuss the different ways they can use this campaign for social good. Eric Ryan, co-founder of Method Products, told Forbes Magazine that the brainstorming session ended with great success because all 17 leaders share the same vision for Made to Matter.

“We’re wired the same way – social entrepreneurs on a social mission,” Ryan said. “We’re learning from each other.”

Made to Matter is already in stores and will soon be recognized by its motto: “brands making things better for you, your family and the place we all call home.”