The Internet is in a blaze about Apple’s new iPhones 5S and 5C. The news is a mix of excitement, anxiety, doubt, and questions. While there can be no question that the device will have lines out the door, many are questioning how the new iPhones will keep up with competitors—or whether it will be able to at all.
Apple, whose CEO is Tim Cook, is switching things up with the new phones The new home button is a simple circle that has a fingerprint sensor. That means iPhone 5S users no longer need to have a password—they just have to place their finger on the sensor to unlock the phone. The same applies for buying apps, movies, songs, and more from iTunes.
When users first get the phone, they will need to scan their print in a few times to ensure accuracy. After that, the fingerprint will be stored on the device itself. The home button is made of scratchproof sapphire and the sensor can recognize the three main fingerprint types: arch, loop, and whorl.

Apple iPhone 5C vs. 5S
IMG: Mashable
The iPhone 5S should also be about twice as fast as the previous model, as it has a new A7 processor. Also faster is the camera, which has image stabilization and photo merging technology that should improve image quality and decrease the chance of blurriness. The camera’s flash has also been modified into a dual flash, which will help make colors more accurate, even in low light. Slow motion video is now an option as well, and users can edit videos to have certain parts play slower than others.
Apple will also be releasing a new cheaper iPhone, the 5C. Its casing comes in a variety of plastic colors, and the
phone does not have the new fingerprint technology. Unfortunately for Apple, the 5C is receiving a lot of flack for being too expensive for a “cheap” phone. And compared to the ultra-chic design of the 5S, the 5C looks like a child’s toy.
What do you think of the new iPhones?