Tweeters of the world, get ready for a Twitter makeover – and a way to show everyone how popular (or not so popular) you are.
Twitter is rolling out a new version that will allow users to control the visual contents of their pages, meaning you get to pick and choose what others will see when they click on your profile. Popular tweets (meaning those that are favorited, retweeted or replied to) will now be highlighted and enlarged, reminding followers of your “greatest moments.” This, of course, is also a good way to keep up some friendly competition between you and your friends. No one wants to be the tweeter with no highlighted messages.
Profile information will also get a makeover. Like Facebook, header photos will be bigger (so pick your best look), and you’ll now be able to “pin” the tweet of your choice to the top of your page, which Twitter representatives say will help your followers see what you’re all about.
This change is definitely all about aesthetics, and CEO Dick Costolo is hoping it helps increase user growth. He’s the first to admit that the current layout is confusing to users; many users can’t tell when a conversation begins and therefore tweeters frequently hang up their hats and go elsewhere. He’s hoping that larger retweets and threaded conversations will assuage these issues and make old users come back—and bring new ones with them.
The caveat? The new layout is only for desktop use, which lags drastically behind its mobile counterpart. Check out the changes below: