AOL’s self-proclaimed “Digital Prophet” David Shing, also known as Shingy, appeared on MSNBC last week discussing the future of tech. However, his appearance may have garnered more attention than his actual message. The Internet became abuzz with comments over his hair and curiosity over his hair products. Despite the random press, Shingy did appear “futuristic.” If you’re curious about wearable technology, Shingy may be the spokesperson of the future.
So, what does the future of tech look like?
Shingy predicts screen ecosystem changes, collaboration (not disruption), more use of people defriending and unfollowing for more curated content.
“I do believe that these social amplifiers are amazing. It is really hard to cut through that noise, so I do believe in defriending and unfollowing because I just want to follow the tastemakers. People who are giving me extra value because here’s the point man, there is absolutely a finite amount of time in your day. There is absolutely an unlimited amount of distractions”
He also predicts smarter wearables.
“We will have biometrics materials inside our clothes, we will have smart devices that will talk back to us. We’ll have this built in intelligence, so we don’t have to go seeking this information today, it’ll seek us out and it should change the patterns for retail as well, so it won’t just be confined to what we’re doing for our own levels of health and fitness etc. it will be other devices telling us what we should be doing while we’re in our circles.”
To learn more about David Shing, you can read his new profile.