Snapchat Raises $60M

Snapchat Raises $60M

The insanely popular mobile phone application Snapchat, which sends and then automatically deletes photo messages, attracted a fresh pot of venture capital this month, raising over $60 million in funding and guidance from Sony Executive Michael Lynton. The investing...
Guy Kawasaki Wants You to Self-Publish

Guy Kawasaki Wants You to Self-Publish

Early Apple executive, author and investor Guy Kawasaki recently spoke at BookExpo America with strong support for self-publishing.  His last of twelve books, called APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur, helps eager writers and professionals establish authority by...
These 13 Schools Produce the Most Fortune 100 CEOs

These 13 Schools Produce the Most Fortune 100 CEOs

When it comes to being a CEO of a Fortune 100 company, not all degrees were created equally. Fortuune 100 CEOs don’t always earn MBAs, and sometimes they don’t even complete a Bachelor’s degree. But outliers withstanding, these 13 schools hold the prestigious honor of...