by Admin | May 16, 2013 | News, Profiles, Women of Business
Women play powerful roles in the world, and their influence is ever growing. Once upon a time, females were encouraged to aspire only so far: find a good husband and raise a family. In this day and age, though, women are finding that they can be whatever they want to...
by Admin | Apr 11, 2013 | News, Profiles, Women of Business
One promise we’re planning on upholding here at Business Bigwigs is to profile just as many women as men in the business world. Women only represent about 4% of CEOs in Fortune 500 companies, yet they are gaining visibility and presence in the business world. Women...
by Admin | Apr 10, 2013 | Profiles, Women of Business
Hello and welcome to our brand new site, Business Bigwigs. Here at Business Bigwigs, we profile people in power–the men and women who go out and make the corporate world rock every day of the week. Business leaders can com from humble or privileged backgrounds,...